Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
26 results

The 2012 HVS Regional Hotel Summit Series: A Review

Nearly 500 hotel owners, lenders, brokers, and developers joined with other hotel experts from HVS and major brands to discuss current and future trends in the U.S. hotel industry.

HVS Market Intelligence Report: Minneapolis, Minnesota

Awards for quality of life and career development have graced the Twin Cities in recent years, and a growing number of global corporations have established operations in the area. How do hotels stand to benefit from Minneapolis’ economic resurgence?

St. Louis Hotels: Riding out the Economic Storm

St. Louis’ job losses in manufacturing have been mitigated by stable financial, government, education, and healthcare sectors. How has the recession impacted area hotels, and what will it mean for the future of this market?

Conquering the Credit Crunch: Part I

Unemployment rates are surging, global stock markets are crashing, commodities are collapsing, and the real estate bubble has finally burst. What moves can hotel developers make during the downturn?

HVS Market Intelligence Report: Downtown St. Louis

Downtown St. Louis has experienced a revitalization, transforming a failing collection of empty warehouses, aging hotels, and nearly forgotten landmarks into a thriving residential, commercial, and entertainment district.